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Doodle is for...Homework

How can Doodle be used as a homework solution in schools?

Jo Kiddell avatar
Written by Jo Kiddell
Updated over 9 months ago

Use the how-to buttons on the Teacher Dashboard for an interactive guide of each page.

Doodle is a perfect homework solution for catching-up, consolidating or getting ahead in maths, times tables, English and spelling. Many schools use Doodle’s personalised programmes as homework not only to help learners, but to save teachers time! The programmes can remove the need to set and mark, and you can simply track which children have been Doodling.

Head to Work programmes > View effort to view which children have accessed their programmes, how many stars they have earned and what part of the programme they have completed.

⭐️ Top Tip ⭐️

Recognise and celebrate this effort in your setting!


To supplement learning or to revise tricky topics, many schools add supplementary work in topics they'd like to practise. These are known as Assignments and more can be found on them by clicking the green How-to button on the Assignments > Set page of the Teacher Dashboard.

⭐️ Top Tip ⭐️

Use Assignments > Create custom to easily set spelling lists and even replace your traditional tests!

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