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Doodle is for...Ofsted
Jo Kiddell avatar
Written by Jo Kiddell
Updated over 10 months ago

As many of us are former teachers, we know how important Ofsted visits are! Using our previous experience as teachers, middle leaders and senior leaders, we have pulled together our knowledge to help you feel confident in demonstrating to Ofsted how Doodle has a significant impact upon your pupil's learning.

Questions Ofsted Ask Middle Leaders

How Doodle can support

How do you plan to ensure pupils make good progress from their starting points?

Doodle identifies gaps in learning through its baseline assessment - creating a work programme that is just right for every child ensuring children are suitably challenged and making good progress. This can be tracked on the Teacher Dashboard in Work programmes > View progress and View understanding.

How have you factored in the impact of the pandemic into your curriculum sequencing, taking into account:

● Gaps in pupils knowledge

● Learning delays

● Wider starting points

Doodle's adaptive algorithm ensures that is personalised for each child. It

identifies and closes learning gaps. These gaps can also be viewed on the Teacher Dashboard in Work programmes > View understanding to help inform teaching.

Doodle can be used at school/home/offline and is therefore very accessible.

Baseline assessments provide understanding of starting points and these can be assigned termly.

Doodle encourages a 'little and often' approach supporting children with building this into their daily routine.

Has your school employed any tutors to help pupils catch up after learning lost due to pandemic? What resources are they using?

Tutors can easily use Doodle for a

personalised approach and track progress of children through the Teacher Dashboard.

How do you monitor curriculum coverage?

Doodle follows the National Curriculum, and our content is created by former teachers. Teachers can quickly view the progress of children across the year groups and classes. Data can be exported for pupil progress meetings, parents evenings etc.

Do teachers use assessment to adapt their teaching?

Teachers can use Doodle to find the gaps in learning (on the Teacher Dashboard in Work programmes > View understanding) and plan according to the needs of their pupils.

Teachers can set Assignments on areas covered in class to consolidate learning.

How do you make sure that your curriculum gives pupils the opportunity to revise and repeat previously learned material?

Doodle keeps revisiting taught concepts to ensure the learning is embedded.

It gives pupils the opportunity to practise their skills and ensure they are confident within an objective.

How is your curriculum delivered remotely?

How do you make sure all pupils can access remote learning you provide?

Doodle works online and can be accessed from any device (tablets, mobile devices or PC/laptop), and can be accessed both online or offline.

Doodle's adaptive algorithm ensures that the content is personalised and accessible to each learner.

How do you support staff well-being?

Doodle helps save teacher time - no marking, no printing of resources. This helps ensure teachers can use their working time to focus on their teaching and don't need to take marking home with them.

How do children reflect on their learning?

Doodle creates a work programme that is just right for each child, ensuring an appropriate level of challenge. Children will be suitably stretched giving them opportunity to experience success whilst also learning. The Doodle apps encourage independent learning with in app scaffolding help features and also an opportunity to save any questions they are finding tricky to their Tricky Questions which they can then reflect on with the support of a teacher, parent or peer.

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