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Child Friendly Privacy Policy

FAQs for children on Personal Data and how we use Data at DoodleLearning

Jo Kiddell avatar
Written by Jo Kiddell
Updated over a week ago

We are DoodleLearning. We provide personalised work programmes in maths and English to help you learn. We call these our Services. You can access our Services through our Website at or through our downloadable apps.

We provide Services to students through their schools (School Users) and parents (Home Users). If you are a School User, your teacher should supervise your use of the Services. If you are a Home User, your parent or guardian should supervise your use of the Services.

Please read these FAQs carefully. If you find anything difficult to understand, please ask a grown up to explain. If you are a School User, your teachers will be best placed to answer your questions to the extent they aren’t answered in these FAQs.

1. What is Personal Data?

Personal Data means any information which tells us who you are. It could be things like your name, your school email address or which school you go to and your class. In order to provide our Services to you, and to create your personal work programme, we collect Personal Data.

2. What kind of Personal Data does DoodleLearning collect about me and how does DoodleLearning collect it?

For School Users, there will be certain information we need to collect from you so you can use the Services. This will consist of your first name and last name or initial; your school name and address; the username and password that you choose; your date of birth (just the month and year is fine – we use this to help get your work programme at the right level); your class; your teacher’s name and email address.

For Home Users, this will consist of your first name and last name or initial; a username and password that you choose; your date of birth (just the month and year is fine – we use this to help get your work programme at the right level); your parent’s name and email address. Your parent can also optionally supply your home address if you need a certificate or challenge badge sending out.

For all Users we also collect information automatically from your computer / device by using small pieces of data called “cookies”. We may also collect information from social media sites when you interact with those sites (like Facebook and Twitter). We do not try to identify you from this information.

In order to help get your personal work programme right, we also collect information on how you did on the maths or English questions you answered on our platform. This is information like which questions you answered and when, how long you did and how many attempts you had at the question.

3. How does DoodleLearning use my Personal Data?

We collect and use your Personal Data to provide you with our Services - like creating your personalised work programme – and giving you access to our apps. It also allows parents and teachers to track your progress. We may also do so for other reasons if it is allowed by or to comply with the law including if you or your parent / guardian give us Personal Data so that we can do something you or they ask us to do.

If you are a School User and your Personal Data is entered into our website by someone from that school (like a teacher or school administrator) then your school is responsible for the use of that Personal Data (they are the ‘data controller’). We will only use that data in ways that we agree to with your school or as required by law.

Likewise, if your Personal Data is entered into our website by your parent or guardian, then they are responsible for the use of that Personal Data. We will only use that data in ways that we agree to with your parent or as required by law.

4. Does DoodleLearning send my Personal Data to anyone?

In most cases we do not share your Personal Data with anyone other than the companies who help us to provide our Services. These are reputable companies, checked by us, and we have data sharing agreements in place with them so they do not misuse your data.

We may have to give your Personal Data to others to protect you, or us, or if the law says we have to do so.

5. Does DoodleLearning send my Personal Data to another country?

We are based in the UK, and we store your data in the UK. Where another company helps us to provide a service, they may store your data in the United States or the EU.

6. How does DoodleLearning make sure that my Personal Data is safe?

We follow strict rules and use technology which is designed to protect your Personal Data from being accidentally lost or used without permission. You should also take care when you handle and share your Personal Data.

7. How long does DoodleLearning keep my Personal Data?

We will only keep your Personal Data for as long as we need to provide the Services to you. If your subscription has expired and you have not used our Services for 6 months, we will automatically remove your data from our system.

8. Can I delete my Personal Data?

If you are a School User, your school controls your Personal Data and so you should contact them if you want to delete your Personal Data.

If you are an Home User, you can ask us to delete from our databases any information that you gave us. We may have to keep some information for internal reasons.

If your parent or your school requests that we delete your data, we will do so within 72 hours.

9. My parent / guardian and I have more questions. How do we contact DoodleLearning?

If you or your parent / guardian have any questions about these FAQs, you or they can contact us by e-mail to:

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