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Teachers - Analysing Assignments

Once you’ve set an Assignment you can monitor your class' progress and analyse how they’ve got on.

Jo Kiddell avatar
Written by Jo Kiddell
Updated over a week ago

For analysis on how your students are getting on with any Assignments you've set, login to the Teacher Dashboard and head to Assignments > analyse. Here you can view the Assignments you’ve set, see which students have completed it and analyse how they’ve got on.

  1. Firstly, select your class from the drop down menu

  2. Each Assignment you've set is listed as a row

  3. You can view when you set the Assignment, the Assignment name, the class average accuracy and then how individual children within the class have got on

  • A green dot indicates that they have completed the Assignment with an accuracy of over 80%

  • An orange dot shows they have attempted and achieved an accuracy of 50-80%

  • A red dot shows they have attempted and achieved an accuracy of less than 50%

  • An unfilled blue circle means it is yet to be completed

  • A dash indicates that this Assignment was not set for them.

Hover over the dot to see the date the student completed the Assignment, the number of attempts, their percentage accuracy and the time taken to complete the Assignment.

By clicking on the name of the assignment you can see how each member of the class did on each question.

By hovering over the stars you can see the question that was asked. An exclamation mark below the question shows that this is a question that the children were struggling with.

You can Export this data by clicking on the Export button - this is really useful for progress review meetings.

As with all pages on the Teacher Dashboard, you can switch between subject icons for the different programmes at the top.

💡 Need more help? Feel free to contact our lovely customer support team by using the chat bubble in the bottom right corner of the screen, they will be happy to help!

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