With our Custom Assignment feature you can help support your students with their weekly spelling lists by uploading them in DoodleSpell!
To create your spelling list in DoodleSpell:
Login to the Teacher Dashboard and follow these steps:
Hover over Assignments and select Create custom
Ensure the DoodleSpell icon is selected in the top right hand corner of the page
Then select Create an assignment
Input your spelling list ensuring that you only put spaces between each word (no commas) or a new line per word. Don't capitalise the word unless you want it to appear capitalised in the app. Then select Save.
Once you have created and saved your Assignment you'll see your list appear with all other Custom Assignments created by teachers at your school.
To set your spelling list to a class/students:
Click on the name of the spelling list you have just created
Then select Assign
You'll then be able to choose the date you'd like the Assignment to appear and which class you'd like it to appear for
Then press Set assignment
The spelling list will then appear within the child's app on the chosen date. Children will have to complete 3 x practise before the test becomes unlocked.
To share your custom Assignment with other teachers within your school:
How DoodleSpell Assignments appear in the app for the student
When a DoodleSpell Assignment is set, the student will need to complete a Practice exercise on these words 3 times before the Test option becomes available. They will then have the option of completing a final fourth Practice exercise before completing the Test. When the Test has been completed, if there is another Assignment set, they will move on to this. This screenshot shows one completed DoodleSpell Assignment, with 4 Practice exercises and 1 Test exercise:
This means that, if the student hasn't completed their previous Assignment, it will get them to complete this first before giving them the next one. You also have the option of removing the previous, incomplete assignments by following these steps.
π‘ Need more help? Feel free to contact our lovely customer support team by using the chat bubble in the bottom right corner of the screen, they will be happy to help!