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Why do parents love Doodle?

Raving Fan testimonials for DoodleLearning

Kelly Antonowicz avatar
Written by Kelly Antonowicz
Updated over 9 months ago

Doodle creates each child a personalised work programme tailored to their needs, ensuring exercises are set at just the right level for them. This empowers each child to work independently, ensuring continual progression through the curriculum! 📈

Parents all around the world love Doodle. But don’t just take our word for it – see what they say about our apps below. 💟

What do parents say about Doodle?

"Cannot recommend "Doodles" enough! My son consistently completes his Doodles every day and has over 1500 day streak! This has really stood by him - 10 minutes a day and he is at the top of his class especially in maths and tables and always does well in any exams - thank you DoodleLearning for making learning so much fun and easily accessible - in the car, grandparents house, even on holiday!" - Parent

"Exceptional customer service - speedy, friendly and knowledgeable, and the Doodle products themselves are fantastic. My children have got so much from engaging with the app regularly (in fact, my eldest has been using the maths app daily for 3 years!) - can’t recommend highly enough. The products come at a cost but it’s 100% worth it if you want a thoroughly positive learning experience with support that is second to none."
- Parent

"I would highly recommend DoodleMaths. My children love it, it has helped enormously with their maths development. The team at DoodleMaths are also incredibly helpful and supportive with any queries. I would give more than 5

⭐️ if possible!"

- Parent

"This is so good for helping our 3 children get slightly ahead in maths so that when things like money are addressed at school, they are already familiar with the coins etc, without pushing them too far that we have to be on hand to help. It’s completely independent and 5 questions a day are manageable too. On top of this the Customer Service is always very helpful and accessible. We’re so pleased our school introduced us to it."

- Parent

"Great App! I have been using DoodleMaths since the app was first launched. All 3 of my children have used it and I would highly recommend it!"

- Parent

What do children say about Doodle?

"Hello DoodleMaths, I love this app and I use it almost everyday! Thanks for creating this app, it encourages all children of all ages to engage with their learning for maths! You just make it more exiting!"

- Child

"Hi I love your app It has helped me so much thanks Bye!"

- Child

"Ever since I started this app my learning skills have got much better. This app makes learning really fun at the same time as learning. It is really fun trying to keep my streak going and staying in the green zone all the time."


"Hi, DoodleMaths is a joy so you should be proud!! Do you know what streak I am on a...2795 day streak. You guys, I don't know how to thank you with all of your kindness and I am learning a lot which is all because of you all. Would you be soooooo kind and say a big thank you from me to everyone who helps you, I wish I could meet them."


"Hello DoodleMaths team, I think your app is great as I am sharing it with my friends and family in quarantine! Your app inspires lots of young and old learners to do their homework (in this case maths)"

"Hello DoodleMaths team, I think your app is great as I am sharing it with my friends and family in quarantine! Your app inspires lots of young and old learners to do their homework (in this case maths)"

Why do parents love Doodle?

Powered by Proxima™, our clever algorithm, Doodle identifies each child's strengths and weaknesses and creates them a personalised learning programme tailored to their needs, boosting their confidence and ability. 💥

This is all done without parents having to set or mark any work, making Doodle the perfect study buddy! 📚

Doodle is filled with thousands of interactive exercises that are designed to suit every type of learner and support what they're covering in school, all from the comfort of their own home. 💻

Parents also have 24/7 access to an online hub that instantly tracks their progress, making it easy to see what their child has been working on and celebrate their hard work. 👀

If you’re a parent, why not create an account to try Doodle for free!

Why do children love Doodle?

Doodle offers children engaging and interactive questions, exciting educational games and motivating rewards. It also celebrates effort over ability, enabling every child – regardless of their confidence – to experience ongoing success in their learning. 🎲

Doodling 'little and often' allows children to tackle their learning in small, bitesize chunks. In as little as 10 minutes a day ⏰ children who Doodle regularly throughout the week, will experience a boost in their confidence and ability. 🌟

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