Adding Teacher Accounts
To add a new teacher account, head to the Teacher Dashboard and follow these steps:
Hover over Manage and select Teachers
Select the yellow Add new teachers button on the right hand side
Enter the email addresses of the teachers you wish to add (if adding more than one pleas enter each email address on a new line)
Then click send email invites
Editing Teacher Accounts
Hover over Manage and select Teachers
Find the teacher's account in the list and click on the pencil icon on the right hand side
From here you can edit the teacher's name, email and add or remove classes they are linked to (for more information on how to do this please see here)
Make your changes and then press Save
Teachers can be assigned different admin and trust level roles to oversee and view data for multiple sites.
Order of roles (highest to lowest):
Multi-account admin - can view data for multiple Trusts
Account admin - can view data for all classes within a Trust/District
Site admin/Lead Teacher - can view data for all classes (irrespective of whether they are linked to that class)
Teacher - can view data for classes that they are linked to
For staff members overseeing Doodle across multiple sites, you will be able to access data from different locations with just one Doodle account, streamlining your workflow and saving valuable time.
Teacher will only be able to edit or update roles via the Teacher Dashboard if their own role is equal or above to that other user. If you need to change your role please contact you Schools Success Advisor directly and they will be happy to help.
Deleting Teacher Accounts
Hover over Manage and select Teachers
Find the teacher's account in the list and click on the pencil icon on the right hand side
An Edit Teacher box will then appear
Click Delete to remove the teacher account