The learning activities in DoodleA description of the different work exercises in the Doodle apps
LeaderboardWhy can my children see one another within their leaderboards?
Helping your childWhen should you help your child?
DoodleMaths GamesWhat games are available in DoodleMaths, and are they age dependent?
DoodleEnglish GamesLearn more about the games available within the DoodleEnglish Programme
DoodleSpell GamesWhat games are available in DoodleSpell, and are they age dependent?
Motivational featuresFind out more about the features and challenges designed to keep your child Doodling and learning
How to use My Robot in DoodleMathsGetting the most out of the robot avatar in DoodleMaths
Doodle AvatarsLearn more about each of the Doodle app avatars and how they can be used to motivate and engage your child
Using Tools in the appWe have created a range of tools including the DoodlePad and multiplication square to support your child with their Doodling!
Adult PINs and Restricted FeaturesWhy do you need a PIN to access some areas?
Healthy usageMy child is in the red overuse section on Doodle
BadgesWhat are badges and how are they used to motivate children and celebrate their hard work?
Mastering DoodleTablesHow can my child 'master' a times table?
What is an X-a- day?Children's daily questions, what are they and how do they work?